• Everythingispenguins@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Just in case this is a surprise two things to remember. LGD have no fear. It was bred out of them years ago. Good ones will not give up on their jobs no matter what. Coyotes are not really that big. They all fluff so they look twice as big as they are.

    Though LGD should never work alone. There should always be at least two dogs if they are guarding unfenced animals.

      • SARGEx117@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Livestock Guardian Dog

        Things like Great Pyrenees, Kuchi, most things with “shepherd” in the name, mastiffs. Breeds like that.

        Anecdote time: I have a Pyrenees collie mix, and a small terrier. The Pyrenees protects the terrier when they’re outside, mostly from the hawks/owls that like to fly around the fields looking for rodents. But I have gone to check on them before and opened the door just in time to see the Pyrenees barking up a storm chasing off a coyote. I’m confident that a coyote wouldn’t be able to get through my fence and attack the terrier before I could grab something and fight/scare it off, but I know with the Big Boye out there I don’t have to worry about it (but still do, people tell me I Dan leave them out there for longer periods but I keep pacing by the windows and back door to check on them every minute or so they’re out there)