My teenage son wants to try a new distro for gaming. Our family has been using pop os for years, but he wants to try something new. The main three I see are

  • nobara (fedora based)
  • garuda (arch based)
  • drauger (ubuntu based)

The machine he’s using is a 2018 Intel nuc. It has a strong processor (core i7) but no discrete graphics. I can’t tell which (if any) of the distros above would be better or worse for his case.

Reading around, it seems like Garuda might be slightly more fiddly. And, Drauger I only saw mentioned in a couple of articles, but not on this forum. Are these impressions correct? Do you have any other advice for us?!

      11 months ago

      Should also clarify that not all programs are available from the welcome/assistant. There’s also Octopi which is the standard package manager, and you can install other package managers from the assistant program.

      11 months ago

      Should also add a tip that sometimes on a reboot the system may not display anything until you turn the whole thing off and on again. To fix that you go to the boot manager settings in the welcome program and add “nomodeset” to the end of kernel parameters for each linux distro. May need to repeat this after a major update that updates grub, but the param is usually still there in the boot settings program, you just have to select the distro option and click “Apply” to reenable it.