I run Gnome (Ubuntu currently) and have minor stability issues. I also just… kinda don’t like it. Previously I was running Fedora and liked it more but again, stability issues (which was what I was hoping to solve moving to Ubuntu).
Do you have any suggestions for a novice friendly distro that has (or can easily be set up to have) a dock and hot corner window switching like gnome under KDE?
Well understandable , since thats the default look. But KDE is one of the most customizable DE, you could make it look like anything you want.
Yeah, and Garuda’s default KDE config is very mac like.
I run Gnome (Ubuntu currently) and have minor stability issues. I also just… kinda don’t like it. Previously I was running Fedora and liked it more but again, stability issues (which was what I was hoping to solve moving to Ubuntu).
Do you have any suggestions for a novice friendly distro that has (or can easily be set up to have) a dock and hot corner window switching like gnome under KDE?
It exist a spin of fedora and ubuntu with a KDE desktop but you could just install KDE on you existing ubuntu desktop https://itsfoss.com/install-kde-on-ubuntu/
That’s a great idea, that way I can test it out without too much effort. I’ll give this a go.
By stability issues you mean does it crash or too updated.
In Fedora, constant messages that something has gone wrong and would I like to report it.
Ubuntu seems to kernal panic too often for me.
What are you running it on ? Specs
A framework laptop, first generation. It’s pretty decent, unlikely that specs will be an issue. But the hardware might be related to the stability.
Maybe try arch based distro like garuda and endeavouros since those would be the most easiest to fix if any problems.
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll check them out!