So I’ve managed to find a storage server with 12x 3.5’ bays for cheap.

Currently it comes with this board Intel Server Board S2600GL and a single Xeon E5-2603 I saw these generation CPUs are quite cheap at the moment and would like to upgrade this with a better one. Link to motherboard

Should I go for one with a newer release date but with lower base clock speeds or should I go for an older one with higher base clock speeds. Link to processors

Also is it worth filling both sockets on the board? (First time getting a Xeon system)

Use case for this:

  • Open Media Vault
    • Disk setup: MergerFS and SnapRaid
    • A few docker containers
  • Minecraft server OR ARK server (not at the same time)
  • Might move my PFSense onto this machine as well

  • nolo_me@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Minecraft famously wants as much single threaded performance as you can give it. I’m currently running an ARK server on a box with a pair of 2690 v2 and it seems to be handling it ok.

    Start by filling one socket, you can always add another processor and more RAM if you need it later.