In retrospect, they should have not made First Past the Post voting our voting standard. That is primarily what has caused our partisanship to arise to the extent that it has.
We can still change the voting system in each state individually to move away from First Past the Post, but that requires each individual state to have ballot initiative going that people can vote on for a new system such as Ranked Robin voting, STAR voting, Score voting, or even Ranked Choice voting.
In retrospect, they should have not made First Past the Post voting our voting standard. That is primarily what has caused our partisanship to arise to the extent that it has.
We can still change the voting system in each state individually to move away from First Past the Post, but that requires each individual state to have ballot initiative going that people can vote on for a new system such as Ranked Robin voting, STAR voting, Score voting, or even Ranked Choice voting.