• Bzdalderon@lemmy.ca
    4 days ago

    I love the parliamentary system, but done properly, there is proper accountability. For example, the King serving for life means your check and balance has no need for political affiliation. Unlike the GG who holds that power in Canada who is appointed on the recommendation of the PM, which no recommendation has never been rejected by a monarch in modern history, ergo according to Canadian law means the PM selects their boss (confirmed by Justice Crampton). They choose and fire the AG and their recommendations are always approved by convention in Canada (confirmed by the investigation into the Wilson Raybould case), and they are able to escape accountability by proroguing parliament until other problems take precedent to not be held accountable in the house (currently what we’re seeing with the Trump nonsense overtaking the green slush fund debate that every single opposition party was working together to hold them accountable for for the first time in almost a decade or more, which started in the fall and is still unresolved half a year later).

    In the UK, judges have ruled on PM decisions, there is a precedent there. The King holds actual power. The House of Lords are a functional upper house with actual authority.

    It’s not like that here. Our systems are mostly superficial at best, and retirement plans for plutocrats at worst.

    I do stand corrected on Carneys net worth, which also raises another question of, if he’s good with money and knows what he’s doing, why isn’t he more rich? If you only have that much money as an investment banker, and after leaving as CEO of one of the largest companies in Canada, you’re lying about your money, have it hidden somewhere else, or you owe a ton of money to people and are flat out broke. All of those should scare you as much as the concept of him being a multibillionaire, which there are no credible sources on, but I’d be more inclined to believe.

    A good investment banker has no money, and their money is in, investments, in offshore accounts, that we would never know about.

    My two cents. Totally all over the place on that one, sorry for the written spew.