Does anyone know of a place that sells their own beverage syrups to flavour carbonated water?

Not looking for brand names, so knock off cola and or root beer is totally fine.

      4 days ago

      Sorry for the wall of text but I have this condition where any time a hobby of mine is mentioned, I info dump everything I’ve learned.

      This is just my personal opinion, but I think the best option for gas is to find a way to use a standard tank with CGA320 thread. The reason being that just about any fire extinguisher refill shop will refill it for super cheap. I have a 5Lb tank that costs $20 to refill and lasts over a year. The main downside is that CGA320 tanks go for around $50-100, but if you get 2.5lb instead it can be a little lower. Going the paintball canister route can be a lot cheaper if you want to avoid the soda stream thread tax (even if you find an off brand compatible canister, I’ve found the refills are still a lot more than paintball or standard CGA320). Another benefit of going with a paintball canister is that you can use an adapter without a pressure regulator which also saves money.

      For larger CGA320 tanks, you can either get an adapter with a built in pressure regulator that converts to the soda stream threads or ditch the soda stream for a carbonation cap (carb cap) and a separate pressure regulator. I find the pressure regulator + carb cap method to be better because then I can carbonate 2L at a time (the carb cap fits on any soda bottle), and I have a feeling that the OPV behavior of the normal soda stream vents out an unnecessary amount of CO2, whereas a normal regulator only uses OPV as a failsafe and won’t vent unless you turn up the pressure too high. Either way you’ll save a ton of money compared to the soda specific gas refills.

      For paintball canisters, you just have to make sure the can you get isn’t too big to fit and you get a simple brass adapter (which just has a simple blowoff relief instead of a full pressure regulator) to convert to soda stream threads (that’s what I did before ditching the whole soda stream), but where I live there aren’t many paintball CO2 refill shops and I haven’t had any luck finding a fire extinguisher shop that would do paintball canisters. Brewing shops also sometimes do CGA320 canister refills if you have any of those near you.

        3 days ago

        No worries, I very familair with the condition. Which tells me you’re worth listening to!

        I’m dealing with one of those quick connect things. But a converter thingy is like 10 euros, I’ll get one.

        Do I have to be concerned about the food safety of fire extinguisher co2?

          3 days ago

          The consensus seems to be that industrial CO2 including beverage and welding CO2 (which is very sensitive to contaminants) all comes from the same place as fire extinguisher CO2, so the risk seems pretty minimal. I’m guessing it doesn’t make financial sense to have a separate lower purity CO2 supply chain. I believe the main contaminants are water and atmospheric air which shouldn’t matter much.

      4 days ago

      Where i live, one of the local fire extinguisher companies refills them for cheaper than the “official” refills.

        3 days ago

        Oh nice! I’ll have to look into that! But I think I’m going to go with an adapter and a 10kg canister