‘fraid so… Production delays/writers’ strike must have killed ratings since there was over 2 years between seasons 1 and 2. Lots happens in S2, so it’s still worth watching what we did get.
Just looked up the book and reviews are good but it sounds significantly different than the show.
I just recently finished a book on the Soviet space dogs. That was pretty easy to knock out, as it was about half pictures.
I need to restart What an Owl Knows, as I started it a year or so ago and got overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in it and stopped to research some of the new things I learned.
Also got myself Guards! Guards! to check out Discworld.
Otherwise a bunch of classic sci-fi and King/Koontz horror stuff.
I’ve started music lessons around 18 months ago as well, so that’s taken a big slice of that reading time in addition to my recent brain struggles.
Around the same time I also started reading manga, as the typically shorter chapters make it easier to read in small bits. Been able to knock out a bunch of that.
I’m not the best to answer that. I haven’t read any yet, but someone here told me The Hogfather was free on YouTube, and I watched that and loved it! It’s a pinch bizarre without context, but was like a British comedy version of A Nightmare Before Christmas.
I usually see Guards, Guards recommended in my circles, but the books take place in all over different parts of the story world, so you have all types of stories and fantasy subgenres to choose from.
There does look to be at least one Discworld community on here that will gladly recommend a few, or I located this fantastical flowchart to help you find a starting place you would enjoy.
‘fraid so… Production delays/writers’ strike must have killed ratings since there was over 2 years between seasons 1 and 2. Lots happens in S2, so it’s still worth watching what we did get.
Just looked up the book and reviews are good but it sounds significantly different than the show.
There’s a book? I’m looking for it now!
At least I was able to bring you some consolation along with the bad news!
I expect to read it before April is out! I love me some books.
Nice! I have been doing so poorly with my reading list this year.
I wish you luck finding it! What do you normally read?
I just recently finished a book on the Soviet space dogs. That was pretty easy to knock out, as it was about half pictures.
I need to restart What an Owl Knows, as I started it a year or so ago and got overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in it and stopped to research some of the new things I learned.
Also got myself Guards! Guards! to check out Discworld.
Otherwise a bunch of classic sci-fi and King/Koontz horror stuff.
I’ve started music lessons around 18 months ago as well, so that’s taken a big slice of that reading time in addition to my recent brain struggles.
Around the same time I also started reading manga, as the typically shorter chapters make it easier to read in small bits. Been able to knock out a bunch of that.
I’ve always wanted to get into Discworld but have never gotten to it. Where do you recommend I start?
I’m not the best to answer that. I haven’t read any yet, but someone here told me The Hogfather was free on YouTube, and I watched that and loved it! It’s a pinch bizarre without context, but was like a British comedy version of A Nightmare Before Christmas.
I usually see Guards, Guards recommended in my circles, but the books take place in all over different parts of the story world, so you have all types of stories and fantasy subgenres to choose from.
There does look to be at least one Discworld community on here that will gladly recommend a few, or I located this fantastical flowchart to help you find a starting place you would enjoy.