Forget the grunts and moans. When a mudcrab attacks my character, I want to hear “god fucking dammit” and “fucking shitbiscuit” from my character. That’s how people actually sound when they get hurt.
What if your character is designed to fulfill the role of a tank?
- 'Tis but a scratch.
- I’ve had worse.
- Just a flesh wound.
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Far Cry 4 is set in fictional Nepal but the NPC characters dialogues are recorded in Hindi which is an Indian language, one time I accidentally hurt some NPC’s and to my shock they started shouting curses in Hindi at me and attacking me. It was one of the funniest gaming moment for me. And because that dialogue isn’t translated to English they just went all out on the curses lol.
I would be doubled over laughing for a good ten minutes if I accidentally smacked some NPC and got “randi ke beej” yelled at me.
They literally call you Chuthiya lol
Somebody upgraded a Roomba to swear when it bumps into stuff. It’s pretty funny.
Kingdom Come does that.
IIRC this also happened in Insurgency. I seem to recall being fired upon while my character screamed “FUCK SHIT SHIT”, bullets wizzing by.
Great game prior to changing hands and being nuked. It filled a niche between ultratactical gameplay and Call of Duty intensity. Squad does this alittle but not in the same style.
EDIT: Proof here.
The Borderlands games do this.
The Long Dark has this
I feel it’s very dependent on the person wether someone swears, shouts or grunts when getting hurt.
That’s what I was gonna say lol like I don’t think OP can speak for every single person, there are definitely people out there who don’t swear when they get hurt lol
Exactly this. I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say anything like goddamn shitbiscuit, and only heard things like god fucking dammit when they’ve had time to stop and think about it.
It’s much more likely for someone here to grunt or suck through their teeth, or maybe something short like shit.
Just finished playing Still Wakes the Deep and your character will do this. What’s cool is it’s not a scripted thing most of the time. If you jump from a height, he might yell out,
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!
As you run toward the ledge to jump. If he has a rough landing, he’ll grunt and say something like,
Holy fuck, that hurt
I know it’s not scripted cause, and without spoilers, it’s a game where you will fall to your death a lot! So restarting checkpoints is common. Good game though!
Great game, with lots of swearing (and a very emotional story)
If I remember correctly it’s not even that expensive when not on sale
Edit: it isn’t super well optimized though, from what I remember. I do think they updated it to add a bunch of the up scalers recently
Insurgency sandstorm if you like first-person shooters. You get shot at, and the avatars swear. Enemies and friendlies can also swear at each other. For example, the insurgent can say something like: we are going to kill you, and the American will tell him to eat his ass. So much hilarity can ensue.
I’m certain that someone has made a mod for any of The Elder Scrolls titles, well maybe not Arena… I dunno. Haven’t played or modded that one.
It’s pretty common to make the mudcrabs swear when hurt.
Not the same, but when you start to panic-stump-your-feet-into-the-ground in dead space II, Isaac starts to swear
I am somehow reminded of Janes AH-64D Longbow on the PC, which would swear at you for friendly fire. Queue 11 year old me shooting up the entire base in the training missions because I thought that shit was hysterical.
I bet you killed Captain Keyes too
If that’s a reference to the in-game campaign(s), probably not. I tended to fly like, quick missions or something. I spent a lot more time in that era of my life playing Mechwarrior games.
It’s a reference to the first level of Halo 1.
Ah, I’ve never played a Halo game in my life.
Same with longbow 2, I still have some of the cons burned into my brain
Proceed to map grid hotel six over Roger, good copy, out ENEMY SAM 3 O CLOCK! SHIT WE’RE HIT!
The number of F-bombs in Final Fantasy 16 is quite impressive.
Gex should have cursed whenever you took damage for sure.
In Wildlands, the characters will curse when hit. “Shitballs” was my favorite.