The Michigan Court of Appeals, in an 18-page opinion, declined to interfere with a 1931 law that carries a five-year prison term for simply having brass knuckles, also known as metallic knuckles.

A “ban on the possession of metallic knuckles falls within the historical tradition of prohibiting the concealed carry of metallic knuckles as a dangerous and unusual weapon,” Judge Christopher Murray wrote in a 3-0 opinion Tuesday.

Brass knuckles are usually a single set of rings that fits on someone’s hand. A punch can inflict serious injuries.

      5 days ago

      composites tend to not react well to impacts. The reason brass is used, also, is because it’s heavy and adds significantly more force.

      I would suggest making a cestus, you can also buy “weighted gloves”… which a lot of cops just love, which are gloves with pockets over the knuckles weighted with lead.

      The advantage to the cestus is you could say it was for historical reenactment, and you’re just LARPing or something.