I think a lot of people have mixed up the concept of ‘like’ and ‘envy’.
The people that supposedly ‘like’ him probably only feel that way because they wish to be like him (rich), but in reality that’s just envy.
Also, in reality, rich people don’t get rich by handing out their money, they get rich by taking all the money they can get.
Why would any intelligent person with more than two braincells in their head actually like a person that would just as soon spend your entire family’s life savings in 5 seconds?
Whenever I criticize Musk, people tell me I’m jealous, like he just gets an extra cookie that I don’t. No, I don’t think any one person should have the power that amount of money gives him. It’s a threat to democracy.
I think a lot of people have mixed up the concept of ‘like’ and ‘envy’.
The people that supposedly ‘like’ him probably only feel that way because they wish to be like him (rich), but in reality that’s just envy.
Also, in reality, rich people don’t get rich by handing out their money, they get rich by taking all the money they can get.
Why would any intelligent person with more than two braincells in their head actually like a person that would just as soon spend your entire family’s life savings in 5 seconds?
Whenever I criticize Musk, people tell me I’m jealous, like he just gets an extra cookie that I don’t. No, I don’t think any one person should have the power that amount of money gives him. It’s a threat to democracy.