What an awful way to get a divorce.
Yes, but for her, it’s still better than the alternative.
I hope she regrets marrying that dipshit.
In true Trump style, he’ll just find himself a new wife.
I guess Gomer still doesn’t realize he’s never going to convince anyone who looks that good again.
IDK. I’ve seen tons of naked women on Reddit posing with trump flags that are plenty hot. the thing is…
…they’re bat-shit crazy.
I hope she can get to safety.
He’ll just find another desperate woman from a low-income country who is just trying to make a better life in the US and will marry any asshole who might get her citizenship… and take advantage of her until she also gets deported.
The kind of person who reacts that way to even their own wife being deported probably never cared about her in the first place.
Well it seems like this is no longer an option in the US
Well, yeah… the flock still loves the cult leader even when he literally rapes their daughters. The people who still love Trump will never change their minds. They quite literally worship him.
Smokeshow like that will find a much better husband wherever she was sent back to.
Flip side is that we gained yet another MAGAt incel in the U.S.
Maybe his fetish is government sponsored cucking.
It seems he should marry Trump instead
Ah, yes. Denial.
This marriage won’t last. Both partners need to work together.
*Because of