
La Embajada de la República de El Salvador hace un justo reconocimiento y merecido homenaje al presbítero y doctor salvadoreño
José Matías Delgado
Padre de la patria, héroe y prócer nacional de la independencia de Centro América
Lima, Perú 13 mayo de 2014

English translation:

The Embassy of the Republic of El Salvador makes a just recognition and deserved tribute to the Salvadoran priest and doctor
José Matías Delgado
Father of the nation, hero and national leader of the independence of Central America
Lima, Peru May 13, 2014

This guy’s Wikipedia page is a good read. He was a revolutionary priest with massive popular support.

On 5 May 1824, he was named the first bishop of San Salvador by the local civil authorities and not by the Catholic Church. This entangled him in a serious and long-lasting controversy with the Archbishop of Guatemala and with Popes Leo XII and Pius VIII, which lasted until his death.