Even if one were to make a thousand offerings every month, consistently for a hundred years; And yet, if one were to honor for even a moment, a person who is awakened; That honor is indeed better, than a hundred years of offerings.
Even if one were to attend to the [sacred] fire in the forest, for a hundred years, And yet, if one were to honor for even a moment, a person who is awakened; That honor is indeed better, than a hundred years of offerings.
Whatever is given or offered in the world, If one were to give that throughout the year, seeking merit; All of that does not come to a fourth part, of the honor given to the steadfast, which is indeed better.
Picture: The Great Buddha Statue, Bodh Gaya
Related Teachings:
Why is he called the Tathagata (ITI 112) - The Buddha explains why he is called the Tathāgata, the one who has fully comprehended the world, its arising, cessation, and the path leading to its cessation.
For the welfare of the many (ITI 84) - A mixed prose and verse teaching on three people who appear for the benefit of the world.
Eight Persons Worth of Gifts (AN 8.59) - The Buddha is sharing in this teaching that it is very beneficial to be associated with individuals that are enlightened or practicing to attain enlightenment.