Last I used the desktop was 1996: modelines, xfree86 errors, etc. Not since. I’ve used Linux every day of the last 30 years, 28 as a pro. It’s fed me, housed me, delighted me and frustrated me.
But even when I worked at a distro that shipped two Unix variants and an Enterprise Linux distro of its own, everyone at the shop was on windows 98se and vandyke for ssh. It was simply more reliable for the tiny use case and the time : we didn’t want Devel upended because the team had a crashing wm, and our use case was Mozilla, VanDyke, WinAMP. Really-really.
Do I understand it’s improved since then? Of course. Do I want to support my mom running Linux desktop or run it myself? The thought frightens me to my core. I don’t have time in my day for the added hassle when we just need SeaMonkey, zoom, and (for me) putty and WoW.
But win10 is dying, and ImTiredBoss.jpg of learning the shit of a new MS desktop every goddamned time so I can coach them over the phone as their eyesight and hearing declines like my patience. This year stands a good chance of seeing my return to a Linux desktop and theirs too.
I am one of these people.
Last I used the desktop was 1996: modelines, xfree86 errors, etc. Not since. I’ve used Linux every day of the last 30 years, 28 as a pro. It’s fed me, housed me, delighted me and frustrated me.
But even when I worked at a distro that shipped two Unix variants and an Enterprise Linux distro of its own, everyone at the shop was on windows 98se and vandyke for ssh. It was simply more reliable for the tiny use case and the time : we didn’t want Devel upended because the team had a crashing wm, and our use case was Mozilla, VanDyke, WinAMP. Really-really.
Do I understand it’s improved since then? Of course. Do I want to support my mom running Linux desktop or run it myself? The thought frightens me to my core. I don’t have time in my day for the added hassle when we just need SeaMonkey, zoom, and (for me) putty and WoW.
But win10 is dying, and ImTiredBoss.jpg of learning the shit of a new MS desktop every goddamned time so I can coach them over the phone as their eyesight and hearing declines like my patience. This year stands a good chance of seeing my return to a Linux desktop and theirs too.
Wow works, right?