Gordon Chang after all this goddamn time still insists that this year is when China will collapse. Some horseshit about real estate banking and the SEE-SEE-MAI-PEE-PEE being unable to pull another “2011” type of alleged economic rescue.
Nearly every single time someone accuses China of allegedly having a terrible economy, I feel like punching a goddamn wall.
If China is considered terrible, I’d hate to see what anti-communists consider to be a “good” or horrible economy.
I think most people would rather have a “terrible” economy where all of their basic and most of their advanced needs and desires are met, with alleged “overcapacity” to spare, rather than a shithole fascist country where it costs an hour’s salary to buy a fucking carton of milk, and rent that’s even more expensive than your goddamn wage.
Posted 15 years ago
Gordon Chang after all this goddamn time still insists that this year is when China will collapse. Some horseshit about real estate banking and the SEE-SEE-MAI-PEE-PEE being unable to pull another “2011” type of alleged economic rescue.
Nearly every single time someone accuses China of allegedly having a terrible economy, I feel like punching a goddamn wall.
If China is considered terrible, I’d hate to see what anti-communists consider to be a “good” or horrible economy.
I think most people would rather have a “terrible” economy where all of their basic and most of their advanced needs and desires are met, with alleged “overcapacity” to spare, rather than a shithole fascist country where it costs an hour’s salary to buy a fucking carton of milk, and rent that’s even more expensive than your goddamn wage.
I don’t feel like punching a wall, I feel like laughing in their face.
Laughing as I punch them.