Update from this post yesterday: https://sh.itjust.works/post/34622756
Trumper has since scrubbed her Facebook page of all things political, including pictures of her husband in a MAGA hat. She is now claiming to never have made political posts.
I’m posting this not to start a debate over politics but just for a generalized statement so please do not come at me or try to start a debate. I do not nor have I ever talked politics for the sheer reason that everyone has an opinion and is absolutely entitled to that opinion; that’s why we vote and I am not about to go at it with someone because our beliefs arent the same. I have recently had too many people flooding my text messages or DMs forcing their opinion. I even had one friend end our friendship because I politely stated I do not talk politics and I was not going that rabbit hole with her.
The fact of the matter is like it or not the president is who it is. I have worked for the federal government for 15 years and it is a scary thing right now. [Redacted] also military and we don’t know what our jobs will look like in the future. We’re rolling with things as they come out and will adjust as needed but a lot of things I receive or read from a lot of posts have somewhat taken me by surprise and do not wish to be apart of it.
I hate this person with every fiber of my being
The leopards are going to get multiple meals off this one!
“Please, don’t point out that my actions have consequences for myself. I was fully aware that my vote was gonna royally fuck over my fellow citizens, and that’s why i voted the way i did. See? I’M THE VICTIM HERE!”
do not wish to be apart of it.
‘Apart from’ would have been a better way to say that, but ‘apart of’ is still a fine way to say he wants to be near or in ‘it’.
Okay; if that’s his wish…
Well that’s a shame. Anyway . . .
Well, the important thing is that she’s suffered. It would be nice if she was self-aware enough to understand why, but we have to take what we can get.
I’ll never understand the logic of these people. Works for the government but supports the political party that wants a small government. Loses their job and is suddenly perplexed why.
Like someone who keeps stabbing their eye with a fork wonders why they’ve gone blind.
I’ll never understand the
logichatredYou’re trying to project a reasonable thought process onto people driven by cruelty. You don’t understand it because it doesn’t exist: change your lens and suddenly it’ll start making sense.
, Here are some spare commas. Feel free to use them.
“This is not political”
These people understand nothing
“This is not political”
(Not a response to you lol)
My friend in Talos, everything is political. Saying “X is not political” says that you’re privileged enough to not see how X is political.
If they were capable of learning anything, I suspect the first four years of this fuckstick as president would have taught them…
Conservatives pull that out whenever they are about to go against Trump. They think their opinion will have more weight with other conservatives if they sound less political.
Really? I tend to see this most often when someone says dumb shit they know is indefensible so they can justify not replying
Votes for Hitler. Everyone is entitled to vote it is what it is. Noone is entitled to criticise anyone for voting for Hitler, I am completely innocent no matter what Hitler does. You have to still sympathise with me because the Hitler I knew about and still voted for hurt me. /s
She absolutely said some shit to the “rabbit hole” friend before dismissing her (almost certainly valid) criticism with that “I don’t talk politics” shit.
by a first glance just discovering this, looks like narcissism.
They will do everything - like deleting the obvious - before allowing being on par with the people they initially disagreed with
“Did I say that? I don’t believe I said that.”
Yeah, it’s one thing to say “I fucked up, I was wrong.” But to just full on delete everything while claiming to never get into politics is just insane.
Sorry all, was really hoping to make a c/letsnotmakethispolitical community featuring her previous posts and then the final post of her losing her job and denouncing politics, reminiscent of the old Herman Cain Award.
But since she has scrubbed her Facebook page, there’s no material left. Unless anyone knows of a way to recover deleted posts from someone else.
if the profile is public, archive.org might have them
She wasn’t public. I tried looking for her yesterday when my brother first pointed her out. He can see her stuff since they’re friends, but I couldn’t see anything.
To that I say: Suckle my entire asshole, Trumpie.
She doesn’t wish to be “apart,” so that means she wants to be all in with it, right? Right?!? Give her what she’s asked for…it’s only fair.
She does not wish tu ne apart of it? So… Keep going?