Yes it is. It doesn’t say immortality, it says the tree of life in every translation I can find, but we’re all using translations.
I don’t fully understand that, but neither do you. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I’m not going to pretend not to have the answers I do have.
A good guiding principle for understanding the Bible is the plain things are the main things, and the main things are the plain things.
Yes it is. It doesn’t say immortality, it says the tree of life in every translation I can find, but we’re all using translations.
I don’t fully understand that, but neither do you. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I’m not going to pretend not to have the answers I do have.
A good guiding principle for understanding the Bible is the plain things are the main things, and the main things are the plain things.