Red Bull - European but Far right
Buy European but … Also with ethical considerations.
Red Bull might sound cool, but they have their own TV station in Austria. (servus TV) And that station js beyond far right. Spreading disinformation, and Russian propaganda, Corona Bullshi, Ivermectint, cleaning stuff with chlorid, climate change deniers, … If there is a conspiracy they support it …
(And it’s also not very healthy,…)
The conspiridorks are fascists now, it’s been that way for a decade.
So just accuse anti-war speech of supporting Russia, and then you can accuse anyone opposing war of being fascist. Textbook fascism posing as anti-fascist.
So y’all become gravely concerned over the influence of peace advocates, while letting RN/AfD/FdI/NATO steamroll across Europe with their corporate partners. Insanity.
Fuck off loser, Russia can stop this war at any moment by ending the invasion and you know it.