I’m trying it out for the first time and reading the handbook here: https://docs.vanillaos.org/handbook/en/updates
However, I noticed the page says:
This guide is for Kinetic (22.10), not Orchid.
And when I tried running command to check for updates, I got this.
$ vso update-check
Error: unknown command "update-check" for "vso"
Run 'vso --help' for usage.
ERROR unknown command "update-check" for "vso"
I could wait for the normal update job to run, but I’m being impatient. :)
Have you considered Endless OS? It’s another atomic distro based on Debian. However, it’s based on the Debian stable instead of Debian unstable. Futhermore, instead of making their own tools (like Vanilla OS has done), Endless OS relies on established ones instead (like libostree, which is also found on Fedora Atomic).
Neat. I’ll have to check this out as well. Thanks!