Currently doing Push Pull Leg routine with 5 exercises each day.
Pull: Lat Pulldown, Seated Cable Rows, T Bar Rows, Biceps Curls (Cable) and Cable Crunches
Push: Push Ups, Chestpress (machine), Butterfly (machine), Shoulder Press with Dumbbells, Knee Raises (body weight), Triceps Push Down (Cable)
Legs: Leg Press, Leg Extensions (Machine), Leg Curls (Machine), Crunches (body weight), 30 minute stepper low intensity
Is this okay?
5 exercises is amply sufficient. For aesthetics, frequency is more important than quantity : it’s better to have 2 exercises 2 times per week than 5 exercises 1 time per week (if your sets stay close to muscular failure of course).
Yeah I am doing Push Pull Leg Day, each of them twice a week.
So all of my exercises have 10 reps. The first two exercises 4 sets and the others ones currently 3 sets ( I am too exhausted for more) only abs I do 5 sets of 15
So for example Pull day: 4x10 Lat Pulldowns 4x10 Cable rows (seated) close grip 4x10 T Bar rows wide grip 5x15 Cable Crunches 3x10 Dumbbells curls
For Push Day: 4x10 Bench Press 4x10 Cable Flys 3x10 Shoulder Press (seated, dumbbells) 3x10 Triceps Pushdowns (cable) 5x15 Leg raises
Monday and Thursday are my Chest, Shoulder, Triceps Tuesday and Friday my Back, Lats, Biceps Wednesday and Saturday my Leg days.
It’s perfectly fine if you are beginner/intermediate. Remember to stay close to muscular failure (if your exercises form is safe), keep a progressive overload and take rest days/deload weeks. Don’t hesitate to do some variations in your training : more or less volume, more or less intensity…