Both parties have always served the same billionaires, it just happens to be that more people are now noticing it. And Democrats, as a whole party, have been complicit in turning the country into a fascist state
Citizens United has allowed what was already happening to reach its logical conclusion. The reason more people are noticing is because it’s by far the worst it’s been since we’ve had monopoly and anti-trust laws. If people take the time to look they’ll see it.
Both parties have always served the same billionaires, it just happens to be that more people are now noticing it. And Democrats, as a whole party, have been complicit in turning the country into a fascist state
Citizens United has allowed what was already happening to reach its logical conclusion. The reason more people are noticing is because it’s by far the worst it’s been since we’ve had monopoly and anti-trust laws. If people take the time to look they’ll see it.