He’s a great communicator, but putting forward a gay candidate, even if he’s white, would be a guaranteed loss at this point. It would galvanize the opposition. We’re still feeling the backlash to a half black man (Obama) being elected twice.
The Democrats should be thinking about putting forward the most visibly bland candidate possible. Think Biden but hopefully much, much younger.
I hate that identity politics has this much of an effect on American politics but given the nations history, its not suprising.
Yes let’s play more into the rights attacks on merit and ability and instead find someone who just LOOKS presidential. Surely they will be good at the job if they are white and attractive.
go away mayo pete
Is the DNC’s idea of a leftist just them but gayer??
Not interested in a McKinsey stooge, and he was ineffective at best as secretary of transportation.
Please no.
He’s not in the race until he declares victory in Iowa.
Great, another guy I won’t vote for
Good. I like Pete, and he needs to be out there doing more stuff. Not sure about President, but we’ll see.
I like him a damn sight more than Newsom, to be blunt. I want to hear more from both him and Walz.
I liked Walz a lot. It was a shame he wasn’t the head of the ticket. I think he resonated with voters a lot more - and I don’t mean the racist ones.
I really hope Harris stays out of it.
I would absolutely vote for AOC, but I’m not sure enough of the country would.
I would absolutely vote for Katie Porter.
Fuck, if we’re throwing out randos, I’d enthusiastically vote for Jon Stewart or - seriously - Al Franken. His “takedown” was a political hit job. The twisting of the context to justify his ouster is honestly absurd once you understand it. That was a dude who was reasonably progressive, a great speaker, quite smart, and also simply refused to take any bullshit from anybody. Honestly thought he was shaping up to be one of the better politicians of our time.
That’s what I’m thinking of off the top of my head at least
Porter wants to run for CA governor, and I have a feeling Harris is going to fuck that all up for her by running as well. I’d appreciate Porter in an acting national role as well, but I’m not sure enough people know of her work to get her in as president.
I know. I want to noodle on the situation more. I genuinely think she’s one of the best politicians of our time, but I too worry about people knowing about her outside of California.
The guy who’s high, high hopes didn’t even include Medicare for all? No thanks.
For over 30 years, I’ve been saying that I won’t vote for any candidate who doesn’t support M4A, but I’ve broken that pledge in every election. I will support the pro-M4A candidate, but the next Democratic president is going to have the biggest clean-up job of any president in history, and M4A may have to take a backseat to rebuilding the government, and having the second Nuremburg Trials.
Same. I hate how dishonest liberal politicians are in how they pretend to care about the working class while secretly serving the donor class, but at the end of the day, if a liberal is the farthest left option I am given then that is what I will vote for. I would vote for Pete just like I voted for Hillary and Kamala
I think he would get smoked in the primaries. His qualifications are mayor of a small town; head of transportation during high profile, toxic train accidents; and part of the administration siding with the train company’s to break the union strike. At this point, he’s a joke.
This is a candidate I’m not personally interested in, but at least doesn’t make me question the very idea of the party (e.g., Rahm Emanuel, Gavin Newsome).
No thanks