The Evil Dead (1981)
I snuck watched it without my dad knowing. I remember it had me creeped out for weeks, still one of my favourites to revisit though.
How about your guys? How old werw you when you started watching?
The Evil Dead (1981)
I snuck watched it without my dad knowing. I remember it had me creeped out for weeks, still one of my favourites to revisit though.
How about your guys? How old werw you when you started watching?
I think it was the Thriller music video, but I was pretty young and thought it was a full movie. It played before the main feature at a drive in movie.
After that I think it was The Fly. The arm wrestling scene still scares me.
My wife told me a story about how Tremors was her first horror movie. Her dad actually woke her up to watch it and said “you’ve got to see this!” because he thought the movie was so awesome. Scared the hell out of her.