GTA 5 Enhanced?? Wtf is that?
The PS5 version of GTAV came to PC recently
That’s great! But what about HOTAS support? Pedals? What about TrackIR?
DCS and all my gear are the biggest obstacle to dumping Windows.
I played quite a bit of Elite: Dangerous in VR on my Saitek X-55 in Linux. Worked out of the box.
Most of that would be drivers not proton if it’s hardware you are talking about
I’d also add that there are probably some community-developed drivers, at least that’s the case with simracing equipment. It’s worth checking.
I don’t care who’s fault it is that hardware probably won’t work, just that it probably won’t work.
Setting these games up is an undertaking even when all the software and hardware works as intended. Hell, just pulling the equipment out of it’s storage is enough friction to keep me from playing sometimes.
Even after more than a decade of using Debian as a server, I don’t have any confidence in my Linux knowledge. So the proposition here is tons and tons of homework with no guarantee that I can find a workaround or cobbled together solution. What I can be guaranteed is that if I get everything working, it’ll be a slightly to moderately worse experience.
Again, I’m not saying Linux is bad or even at fault for these issues, but these issues exist and I it’s valid that some people don’t wanna deal with it.
Again, I’m not saying Linux is bad or even at fault for these issues, but these issues exist and I it’s valid that some people don’t wanna deal with it.
You don’t know that these things issues exist because you’ve never tried it.
You even admit at times you’re too lazy to even set these things up.
If you have a highly customised setup you need to accept some responsibility for it and not expect others to test it for you.
Not the person you replied to.
I mean that’s all good and fine, but it’s still off topic at best?
They’re valid problems to have, but no one here asked you to. Yours is a root comment.
It’s not an airport, there’s no reason to announce your departure.
Oh good! Maybe MSFS2024 will finally work!
Does 2020 work?
I’ve used 2020 on Linux many times, works well!
It does, very well
Well, fuck me sideways and call me Sally. I’ve been parroting the line “the only thing keeping me back from moving my gaming PC to Linux is MSFS”. And yet, here we are.