Iris Turmelle, one of the plaintiffs now in high school, told Them in a statement last August that her goal is simply to compete alongside her peers.

    8 hours ago

    Were left-handed people attacking the rest of the population’s way of life? Before left-handed scissors, only a fraction of a percent of people identified as left handed, after, it skyrocketed to 10%. Why? Because left-handers were stigmatized and attacked (sometimes literally) so hid their true selves. It was only when society accepted left-handedness, that they felt comfortable being left handed in the open. So I ask again, were left-handed people attacking right-handers by wanting to be accepted in society? No. Fuck no. Society learned and adjusted to accommodate and accept and it became normal. This whole trans in sports argument is utterly assanine. You adjust the rules so things are fair and you’re not discriminating against a minority. Schools used to have separate entrances for girls and boys. Seems ridiculous now, but I’m sure made perfect sense to the people of those times. One day, after society adjusts, we’ll look back at these anti-trans mentalities in the same way we do about gender segregated school entrances. Utter silliness. “Attacking the main populations way of life”, how is this any different than the civil rights movement of the 60’s? One might consider that the black community was attacking the white populations way of life, but I think most of us can see the absurdity in that way of thinking.