one of my artworks that i posted on reddit and here and on furaffinity too were posted on the e6 site (you know which one…), is that legal?? can they do that??? why is my art there if i don’t even like the 18+ stuff nor draw it or have an account there… so it was posted without my permission, which, it’s ok but that site is umm… extreme
i know there’s a takedown form but i want to know why, i’m curious
e621 in theory is a general archive site for furry art, it’s not just adult stuff. A lot of it is adult stuff, but I guess that just comes with the territory of furry stuff.
I think it’s technically illegal, so they’ve got a “do not post” list. You can ask to be put on that list and people should stop posting your art there. They do give credit, which is better than a lot of art scraping places, but it’s up to you.
Congrats on making art popular enough for people to want to archive, though. :P