When it comes to self checkout, I avoid it at every opportunity. In times when I cannot avoid it, I only scan maybe one or two things of my entire grocery cart and then leave with 50 to 60 bucks worth of free groceries.
If some store wants to try to screw me by forcing me to provide free labor, I’m gonna screw them right back.
And I always win. Fuck Self check out.
And it works. The three stores I most frequently shop at have all dropped self check out. I guess they got the message that fucking over their customers isn’t profitable. I wish more would get that message.
If you go to a store, and they force you to provide free labor before you can leave with the stuff you wanna buy, that’s what I would classify as “fucking over the customer”
You also have to walk around in a store and can’t wait at a bar in the front while an underpaid intern is forced to fetch the items on your shopping list.
Why would you want a service human just to scan your groceries?
When it comes to self checkout, I avoid it at every opportunity. In times when I cannot avoid it, I only scan maybe one or two things of my entire grocery cart and then leave with 50 to 60 bucks worth of free groceries.
If some store wants to try to screw me by forcing me to provide free labor, I’m gonna screw them right back.
And I always win. Fuck Self check out.
And it works. The three stores I most frequently shop at have all dropped self check out. I guess they got the message that fucking over their customers isn’t profitable. I wish more would get that message.
Be careful to not hit felony limit
Am I missing something? I’m on board with the stealing but I don’t get how self checkout is fucking over customers
If you go to a store, and they force you to provide free labor before you can leave with the stuff you wanna buy, that’s what I would classify as “fucking over the customer”
But maybe you enjoy providing free labor?
It’s literally faster and more convenient??
You also have to walk around in a store and can’t wait at a bar in the front while an underpaid intern is forced to fetch the items on your shopping list.
Why would you want a service human just to scan your groceries?