The Trump administration plans to revoke temporary legal status for 240,000 Ukrainians who fled Russia’s war, fast-tracking them for deportation.
The move is part of a broader effort to strip protections from 1.8 million migrants admitted under Biden’s humanitarian parole programs.
Trump’s policies also target 530,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
Legal challenges are mounting, as affected individuals face uncertain futures. Advocates warn that even U.S. allies, such as Afghans who assisted the military, are now at risk of detention and deportation.
Lmfao yall are cracking down on your borders as we speak dude are you kidding me?
WTF are you talking about?
Feel free to pick a source you trust
I have no idea what point you are trying to make? Traditionally we have been very open to emigrants, but the pressure it creates on our welfare system has forced us to tighten that.
Is that what you call “cracking down on your borders”, and what you claim I ought to protest?
Of course it’s disputable whether it’s gone too far or not far enough, but as I mentioned, we have a well working democracy to debate that. But there is not one “fix all” solution.
Feel free to pick a source you trust:'m+trying+to+find+proof+of+my+stupid+clim&ia=web
I cannot stress enough how similar this argument is to what I hear in the US from conservatives when they talk about shutting down the border and deporting people. I would watch the situation in Denmark very carefully if I were you. This is always how it starts.
Truly a friendly correction: “immigrants.” Emigrants are exiting, immigrants are entering.
Noted. Here though emigrant covers both.
But the situations in USA and Denmark are not comparable, Sweden today has record crime rate and gun violence, akin to USA. Something completely unheard of for a Scandinavian country.
And we have a world leading welfare system. We also receive way more immigrants from Arab countries, a culture which for some reason has a harder time then others adapting to the conditions here.
We have lots of Jews, with zero problems, we have lots of Vietnamese with zero problems, we have lots of Turks with zero problems (almost). We have lot’s of Polaks with zero problems. Both recent and way back. Also no problems with European immigrants. We also made an exception for Ukraine, and received many Ukrainians with zero problems.
It was not until we were floded with Arab muslims it became a problem. And as a country we have now decided to limit immigration hard. Their discriminatory behavior towards women, and their demands for special treatment of their backwards ways have caused significant friction.
I don’t see any reason why any Dane would protest that? It’s not like we are withdrawing previous granted visa, like Trump is doing with Ukrainians now. Trump is insane, and doesn’t give a shit. We are trying to make it work, but because it doesn’t work as well as we want immigration is somewhat on hold.
It’s interesting to me that I almost brought up Sweden as a cautionary tale for you to explain how conservatives will leverage immigration in my prior comment, but you’re using it as justification. I have a feeling you would fit in with conservatives here more than you realize.
Your democracy does indeed have issues. You just don’t agree they’re issues.
What I find even more interesting is that you say you have a great democracy with no major issues that need to be dealt with, but you’re sitting here talking about immigration as if it’s a major issue. I’m not quite sure what to make of that.
Edit: is there a reason you’re downvoting every comment I make?
Yes you are making straw man arguments, and conjecture. Like: " have a feeling you would fit in with conservatives here more than you realize."
There is no way you can claim Sweden is a right wing country anywhere near Republicans, and they are left wing even by European standards.
I didn’t say we don’t have issues, what I stated was that we dont have issues that requires demonstrations. Because we are in agreement on trying to solve them.
Just as an example of a straw man argument you make.
Your entire comment was full of straw men. For instance, when did I ever compare Sweden to US Republicans?
You simply have no idea what you are talking about. I’m left of Social Democrats, and we have nothing as crazy as Republicans here. Our most extreme right wing party is not as extreme as Republicans.