I’ve had broken bones, puncture wounds, kidney stones, I got stabbed by a blade shaped rock that nicked my right kidney, I’ve cut the heel almost off of my foot, slit my leg open to the bone, shocked bad enough to knock me unconscious, head wounds, back pain, neck pain… The list goes on. I dealt. I’d like to say fairly well.
… But a fever or a blood draw? I cannot fucking function
I mean the unnatural state of inserting something into my veins! It’s not right, it’s not natural, and it goes against all rules of God and man.
I deal better if I can get them to agree to draw from the wrist or back of my hands, it hurts more, but it’s much more dealable. But when they pull from the inside of the elbow? My brain shuts down and I have to distract myself or I’ll hyperventilate. It’s panic inducing, and has nothing to do with the pain or physical sensation. Best way I can describe it is if you have arachnophobia, it’s not like being in a room with a spider, it’s like allowing one to crawl around on your face or the back of your neck and being told to sit there calmly. It’s fucking horrible.
I don’t like any needles in me, but blood draws are the absolute fucking worst. Fevers give me the same panic feeling, but coupled with full body aches and pain in my joints
Ok so this might sound completely unhinged but have you ever considered before that the fear of being stung by needles might have anything to do with not wanting to be stung by a penis?
The blood draw I understand, and what with having cancer for 12 years, you’d think I’d be used to it by now. I’m turned as far away as I can get, tense from head to toe, and on the verge of tears up until the needles back out of me. As soon as it is, I’m fine. Had a phlebotomist that I wound up getting my blood drawn a bunch who told me I was her best worst patient, she always thought I was about to start fighting, but she made sure to get my paperwork every time I was in.
I’m never sure if asking about someone’s medical status is impolite or not, so I’ll just say I genuinely hope you’re well now, and fuck cancer.
And I’ve been told similar. My doctor always thinks I’m on the verge of passing out. I’m not. I’m just over here silently reciting the Lord’s prayer, or “om Mani padme hum” or whatever I think might distract my brain haha. I never give em a fight, but my brain has to be elsewhere
Mart Virkus / Arcade Rage
I’ve had broken bones, puncture wounds, kidney stones, I got stabbed by a blade shaped rock that nicked my right kidney, I’ve cut the heel almost off of my foot, slit my leg open to the bone, shocked bad enough to knock me unconscious, head wounds, back pain, neck pain… The list goes on. I dealt. I’d like to say fairly well.
… But a fever or a blood draw? I cannot fucking function
Blood draw? You mean that tiny needle that they use to take a blood sample?
I mean the unnatural state of inserting something into my veins! It’s not right, it’s not natural, and it goes against all rules of God and man.
I deal better if I can get them to agree to draw from the wrist or back of my hands, it hurts more, but it’s much more dealable. But when they pull from the inside of the elbow? My brain shuts down and I have to distract myself or I’ll hyperventilate. It’s panic inducing, and has nothing to do with the pain or physical sensation. Best way I can describe it is if you have arachnophobia, it’s not like being in a room with a spider, it’s like allowing one to crawl around on your face or the back of your neck and being told to sit there calmly. It’s fucking horrible.
I don’t like any needles in me, but blood draws are the absolute fucking worst. Fevers give me the same panic feeling, but coupled with full body aches and pain in my joints
Ok so this might sound completely unhinged but have you ever considered before that the fear of being stung by needles might have anything to do with not wanting to be stung by a penis?
I mean, it’s possible, I suppose? I’ve never been stung by a penis. I’ve taken a lot of dick, but I didn’t even know they could sting!
The blood draw I understand, and what with having cancer for 12 years, you’d think I’d be used to it by now. I’m turned as far away as I can get, tense from head to toe, and on the verge of tears up until the needles back out of me. As soon as it is, I’m fine. Had a phlebotomist that I wound up getting my blood drawn a bunch who told me I was her best worst patient, she always thought I was about to start fighting, but she made sure to get my paperwork every time I was in.
I’m never sure if asking about someone’s medical status is impolite or not, so I’ll just say I genuinely hope you’re well now, and fuck cancer.
And I’ve been told similar. My doctor always thinks I’m on the verge of passing out. I’m not. I’m just over here silently reciting the Lord’s prayer, or “om Mani padme hum” or whatever I think might distract my brain haha. I never give em a fight, but my brain has to be elsewhere
I believe that higher testosterone generally correlates to more server cold and flu symptoms yeah?