I think it’s great that the internet has connected so many people. I love that I’m able to talk to someone on the other side of the world with a very different culture, language, and just overall life experience. I love that I can learn so much; so many different skills are just… Taught. For free. Online. It’s really insane, when you think about it.
However, I hate how huge the internet feels, sometimes.
And I love how small it can feel, as well.
I follow this rather popular creator on TikTok called Mei. She does tinned fish reviews. It’s hard for me to put into words how much I love her videos, but let it be known that I do love them very much. She has a website too: https://www.daywithmei.com/, consider checking her out. She’s great.
Relatively recently (about a week ago), she posted a video in which she wore a super cute shirt. Pic related.
I don’t know where she got it, but I want it!