Dont forget that nothing bad lasts forever, and previous generations went through wars and hardships too.
It certainly feels like madness is in control of the US, but its just greed and lust for power and attention. There is no difference between the undeveloped child that is taking the entire sandbox and these people. Some humans desire nothing more than to take from others until there is nothing left. Maybe its part of their spiritual evolution.
Perhaps there something to learn from their behavior. We get reminded of how not to be towards others. They are a very clear example of souls that feels much more primitive than the animals we have around us.
This too shall pass. :)
Yeah I dunno. One of the big things is not so much what is happening now but what has been happening over the last forty odd years. A general downward trend. Now im not talking in all things so yeah some nice things with technology here and there and a few wins but I often talk about the 70’s sorta being the height. I often then get a list of things that were so bad in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s and im like yeah. All these things were improved in that time. It was an upward trend. The reduction in regulation and taxes along with globalization such that corporations can sue countries and get the same rights of us citizens but can’t be incarcerate resulting in ever increasing wealth disparity. That was the 80’s, 90’s, and aughts. Then what we have had in the last decade or so with facism being popular and then you get what we have seen this year. Im sorry but I can’t see how this compares to hardships that wrapped up within a decade. I mean start of ww1 to end of ww2 was about thirty years. So there were tons of ups and downs in that time but the last 40 years. All slow downward. Layer global warming on that. ugh.