• douglasg14b@lemmy.world
    4 hours ago

    This is another one of those stupid feel-good statements where it feels good to say but completely hand waves away all the complexities of actually achieving this.

    Never mind the massive financial barrier to get people to switch away from gas in the first place (which the majority of everyone is not going to be able to afford so how do you expect that to work?) where does this money come from?

    But you now need to contend with electrical infrastructure changes to support that extra load. Where does this money come from?

    Sure in theory this is a great idea I would love to switch to heat pumps as I’m sure many others would as well. However the cost is egregious ($30-50k). And unless it’s supported with massive government subsidies (remember the US government just cut all subsidies for these sorts of things) then it’s not going to happen because people just can’t afford it.