One time I stepped on an upturned thumbtack. Upon its removal, I discovered that it had a - presumably manufacturing related - bulge on the side of the shaft.
That sucked … And while I am aware of the questionable wording in this statement, it’s accurate, so I stand by it.
What’s happening here? It’s low tide and she doesn’t want to walk on sea shells?
Beach is full of pebbles. Pebbles are second only to Lego to walk on barefoot, or an upturned UK plug.
Broken seashells; nature’s caltrops!
One time I stepped on an upturned thumbtack. Upon its removal, I discovered that it had a - presumably manufacturing related - bulge on the side of the shaft.
That sucked … And while I am aware of the questionable wording in this statement, it’s accurate, so I stand by it.
I’ve stepped on multiple nails, ranging from somewhat clean to rather rusty. One went clear through. Good thing I had my tetanus shots.
how do you manage to step on a nail that’s perfectly vertical without knocking it over
It was always in a piece of scrap wood pointing up.