Amazon is officially dead to me, I had uninstalled all the apps a little while ago and deleted my email address today. It however hit me that I had not signed out of the webpage, so instead of just signing out I deleted my account and wow did it feel good saying I have issues with amazon when deleting the account and being signed out.
Well done. I’ve ditched Amazon, Apple, Netflix and I’m boycotting and companies that use shopify for their websites and payment.
Kick America to the curb.
I have given myself until the end of the month to kick Apple to the curb. I need to offload icloud and move all my hide my email addresses.
Yeah, the iCloud email is a hard thing to move with all the unlimited hide my emails that they let you have.
I am down to 80 something emails left I have cut the list in half today. I manage to cut it in half each day, yesterday was 160 something. It is a difficult task to do.
I moved to proton for the stuff I am keeping, but I am considering moving those emails to my domain. Creating random email addresses for things with my domain.
Isn’t Shopify Canadian? Did they/the CEO do something?
Yes, but the CEO has basically suggested Canada suck it up and bend our knee to Trump and the fascist US government.
A little reading for you:
I haven’t fact checked it myself, but I have seen a few people comment that the Shopify CEO believes Canada needs it’s own equivalent to America’s DOGE.
Which I feel is reason enough for someone to boycott them as well “by proxy”.
Good for you dude! I was getting kind of sick of hearing people say they were taking a stand by not using Amazon for one day on Friday lol
I had not heard of any Friday deal with Amazon? I have deleted most social media, or do not use it other than this. I am thinking of getting more into Mastodon as I understand it as more a protocol like Lemmy other than a service like Facebook.
I’ve gotten rid of most of my social media as well! My girlfriend told me about it at around 9pm Friday lol it was a whole thing about a 24 hour “blackout” for shopping with any companies that rolled back diversity programs. When I pointed out that it would be more effective to just boycott those companies entirely and that a single day of a few people not shopping there for 24 hours wouldn’t really do anything the conversation kind of ended lol
We haven’t used Amazon in a good month over here, and we don’t miss it even a little bit. We’re cancelling Prime and will turn to alternatives. Fuck these fascist bootlickers.
Yeah I have not used it for at least a month, it just felt good to actually close the account and delete the email I was using for it.
Amazon offers email?
No the email address I used to sign into amazon with, I have different email addresses for most things. I receive close to no spam, my junk mail filters are all turned off.
what alternatives do you recommend, if any?
Alternatives to Amazon? Search the web for whatever you are looking for and buy it from the actual retailer.
Yes yes so much yes! Get your money to the folks who actually make the things, not the amazon middleman who pays the manufacturer less, charges the consumer more, and funnels the difference to the fascists. (A bit of Hyperbole I know).
I agree with the other comment – buy from other retailers.
In a pinch however, usually you can find the same thing that people sell on Amazon, cheaper, from AliExpress. I’d personally avoid them when you can, but sometimes they are the only option for getting obscure parts etc.
For ebooks, you can go to Kobo (Canadian company, owned by the Japanese company Rakuten) OR you can borrow them from your local library (they can be synced to your phone or kobo ereader). Otherwise support a local new or used bookstore!
Spotify, Dezeer, SoundCloud and Quobuz are all European alternatives to Amazon Music (and Apple Music for that matter)
thank you
Good job bro! 👏
I haven’t deleted my account, but I’ve also never used it for anything but gift cards. Will continue to do so since gift cards have already been paid Amazon gets free money if I don’t use it