A German media outlet had a headline in 2020 along the lines of “Wir wünschen BIDEN Kandidaten viel Glück” - “Best of luck to BOTH candidates”. It’s an untranslatable pun based on “Biden” and the German word for “both” being homophones (and also near homonyms).
My one year of German from high school translated that into “I am (Joe) Biden”
A German media outlet had a headline in 2020 along the lines of “Wir wünschen BIDEN Kandidaten viel Glück” - “Best of luck to BOTH candidates”. It’s an untranslatable pun based on “Biden” and the German word for “both” being homophones (and also near homonyms).
No, you dummy! It’s “I will Biden!”. It’s saying your vote intentions, you know?
(It’s “I want both”, but I actually fucked it up, that -n shouldn’t be there. Fixed now.)