Season two will officially launch on Saturday 12 April at 8am on BBC iPlayer and later that day on BBC One in the UK. At the same time, those outside of the UK can watch the Doctor and Belinda on their epic adventures on Disney+ where available.
I did not follow this for some time: why is this season two? Did they restart the series again?
It’s a relaunch, not a reboot. The show is now a Co-production with Disney, and is available on Disney+ everywhere except the UK and Ireland. It’s also had quite a large budget increase. To aid the global marketing for the new situation, the show has reset the season counter again.
I see, thanks. Not confusing at all
Especially when you search for “Doctor Who Season 2 Trailer” and you get results for the 2025 season 2, the 2006 season 2 and the Blu-ray release of the 1964 season 2 lol.
A co-production with Disney? Kinda gross but okay. How was season 1 of this relaunch?
Really fun. Ncutti is a great doctor the first time he smiled on screen it took me back to Baker. A few of the episodes were honestly missed but the doctor and the companion had great chemistry and overall as a long time time I really enjoyed it.
Standard for Doctor Who. A couple silly episodes, a couple episodes for the forever memories box, and a couple episodes that are self endulgement. One particular episode will live rent free in your mind for a very very long time.
Can you fairly easily drop into the relaunch if you’ve missed some of the previous seasons? I know that new doctors are always a good starting point, but I’m thinking more in the line of spoilers if I go back to Moffat’s era and later again.
As ever, you can drop in wherever you want.
Wait? It’s not available in the UK where it’s from and based on? Wtf Disney.
My assumption would be because that’s bbc’s territory. They want to stream it on their own service. (I have no idea if this is true or even if bbc has a streaming platform)
The BBC had the first catch-up streaming platform in the world, since 2007.
In the UK it’s on BBC One / BBC IPlayer.