What would you say determines whether a kernel is a Unix kernel? I believe Linux is as much a Unix kernel as the BSD kernel is, the FreeBSD kernel, the AIX kernel, the System V kernel, etc.
Code base. It has no relation whatsoever to anything unix. You know the ATT bell labs unix. Unix kernels descend directly from that, Linux doesn’t. It was written by this genuine genius man named Linus lol
Unix trademark certification that is maintained by the “open group”. Linux is not a certified unix, even though it is POSIX compliant.
POSIX compliance. Linux is POSIX complaint, but that’s just how it behaves in terms of APIs and system calls. POSIX complaince doesn’t make a system “unix”. Linux is not derived from unix at all, its code is its own code, it behaves like unix, but it is not unix. MacOS, BSD and other unix systems are derived from Unix (I know MacOS has taken its own way now, but still, it came from a Unix code base).
Tldr; Linux is not unix because it does not descend from AT&T Unix or BSD and it is not UNIX-certified.
Lmfao. My fucking lead was arguing with me the other day how Linux is Unix. I just said ok after I saw that it was going nowhere.
One or two Linux distros were (are?) UNIX certified, though.
But not the Linux kernel itself.
What would you say determines whether a kernel is a Unix kernel? I believe Linux is as much a Unix kernel as the BSD kernel is, the FreeBSD kernel, the AIX kernel, the System V kernel, etc.
genuinegenius man named Linus lolTldr; Linux is not unix because it does not descend from AT&T Unix or BSD and it is not UNIX-certified.
Not what, who. And the answer is The Open Group,
Been there, had that conversation.