• Glad even the title is questions their status as ‘moderates’ because I really don’t think those exist anymore in the republican party. If you really want to find a moderate conservative, you can find plenty in the democratic party.

    • Hyperreality
      249 months ago

      "The truth of the matter is that my policies are so mainstream that if I had set the same policies that I had back in the 1980s, I would be considered a moderate Republican,”

      Obama, 2012.

        • I fully believe the conservatives shifted the window hard on Obama because he was black. He did what Reagan did, but he did it with brown skin, so hes a socialist. Now Reagan like policies only get remembered as Obama like policies and Republicans hate it and Democrats think its progressive. I hate to say it, but electing a Black president deepened and widened the divisions between Americans. I really hoped there weren’t enough people who were that racist, and I know a lot happened before Obama but behind him is a wake of division deepened by reactionary racists. The fact that the US was apparently too racist to be ready for a black president is depressing.

        • Hyperreality
          49 months ago

          IRC Obamacare is also heavily inspired by and quite similar to Romneycare. It’s not particularly surprising that Romney has decided to not run again, given the party which elected him as a presidential candidate ten years ago, basically no longer even consider him a republican.

  • @Paradachshund
    89 months ago

    No, I’m sure they could have found someone more extreme in there. This guy is just their new normal as a party.

      • They’re just finally saying it out loud. Look at Clarence Thomas, been around forever, but only spoke up recently once he realized his version of fascism took enough root that he could act the way he does. They’ve been waiting a long time for this, and the democrats have been giving them the benefit of the doubt the whole way here.