I’m tired of hard-boiled detectives and mercenaries with augmentations. I want some cyberpunk stories with middle-finger-in-the-air, anti-authority, non-confirmist, angry punks. Can anyone give me some recommendations? Movies, games, books, whatever. Just something with a punk rock attitude… more than Johnny Silverhand.

I’m thinking things like Hackers, or Burst City, or the SINless duology, or maybe Cookie Cutter (which I haven’t played). I’m annoyed that I can’t think of more than that…

And I’m hoping KILLTUBE actually comes out. Although while it looks extremely punk, I’m not sure if it’s angry punk. We’ll see.

(cyberpunk skull picture from Mashiene11)

  • Omnifarious@lemmy.world
    17 days ago

    If I may make a recommendation on this one. I would at least read the first story about the transient riots, which concludes with the issue titled “Up On The Roof.” Should give you an idea of what the world is like, the main character. From there, it’s up to you if you want to continue. There is a broader narrative after that, but this short bit at the beginning should be enough to get an idea of whether you like it or not. Happy reading.