A rich CEO is also an asshole? Shocking.
Okay, boomer. Time to retire.
I’m not a boomer, but I agree with him! Those people can just quit and get another job if they don’t like it.
Why would they quit if they have a cushy work from home job? Sounds like the CEO is one whos mad about it. Why doesnt he quit?
Why would they quit if they have a cushy work from home job
Because they don’t have a cushy work from home job. Boss is making them go into the office. :)
Sure, but do you have a reason, or do you just believe what people in authority tell you?
I agree with him because I like his views and his work ethic. I don’t thin the majority of people should be able to work from home if their bosses don’t want them to. If they don’t like that, then they can get a different job that does allow them to work from home.
Dude, I’m financially independent, entirely debt-free, and retired. I don’t give a fuck about what people “in authority” tell me.
Thanks, amiko!
Sounds like you’re a typical alienated bootlicker who doesn’t know how to think for himself.
Sounds like you’re a typical alienated bootlicker who doesn’t know how to think for himself.
Except like I said, I’m financially independent, entirely debt-free, and retired.
How am I a bootlicker who can’t think for myself, since I don’t have to answer to anybody? I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want.
Actually it sounds like *you’re *a typical alienated bootlicker and spoiled brat who doesn’t know how to think for himself.
Thanks, amiko!
Then why are your opinions conveniently the same as the opini9ns of the people whose boots you lick?
Because I can think whatever I want. And I can do whatever I want. Even if it annoys you.
I don’t have to answer to anyone. Especially some spoiled Lemmy commenter who’s mad because some people have to go into a office and work for extraordinarily high pay. lol
I am not saying that what the boss says doesn’t go. That’s the reality. The boss doesn’t know what the fuck they are talking about quite often. WFH is a win for employees and the company. Bosses who want you under their thumb all day are poor managers.
These people get compensated very very well. They can handle going into the office. Or they can try to find another job. They are not forced to work there. I am fine with this stance.