I keep hearing excuses like “but your highness the entire crop was destroyed and we’re starving” or “but my lord I’m dying of the plague”. Like ok? That sounds like a you problem. Someone has to do all the work around here and that someone’s not going to be me.

  • milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    I know, right? They’re all like, “I own the land” until some other lord does a hostile takeover, then it’s all, “no, Billy ploughs this field now,” and “taxes have increased to 34%.” Why is it always increased? Why never decreased? I mean, if they’d let Billy take over shovelling the pig shitte I’d be all for that but I’ve been learning grass clippings since me pap passed and then they want to relocate me to potatoes? How do you expect a good crop from that? Such lunacy SMH