Vice President J.D. Vance has errantly suggested that federal judges have no right to review executive branch actions.
The election is over. They. Don’t. Care.
Low enough approval means that the guillotine comes out, so they do care at some level. We’re far from that level at the moment, though.
Yeah, a guillotine, in america. Seems that the best you guys can do is call your senile senator.
Yeah, the violence won’t start until people are starving.
But that might happen sooner than you think
I feel like anywhere from 4 to 7 of those points are just on Elon, that’s what happens when you employ the most annoying person in the country.
Well, Elon is the president.
I’ve noticed that depending on the news source, his approval ratings have dipped or skyrocketed. Which is it? 😒
They spiked after the inauguration (as is common) but now they’re crashing in more recent polls
Thank you for elaborating.
2 polls not really enough to say it’s “crashing.” I mean I hope it is but need more points before it’s conclusive.
The swing if you look at consecutive yougov polls was 8 points. That’s a lot in just two weeks!
Well YouGov is not a news source, and comparison is based on results from the same poll done 2 weeks apart.
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I guess that’s why #LeavingMAGA is trending on corporate social media.
You should see the echo chamber that is r/conservative on Reddit. They only let people with approved flair post or comment and anyone that goes against them is a bot. And if you are conservative that questions Trump in anyway you are immediately banned from the sub and everyone there boasts about “cleaning out the bots”
They’re so far in denial there’s no hope of saving the hardcore ones. They were never right in the head to begin with.
They need literal cult deprogramming
Things actually broke through there during the Elon/Vivek h1 blowup over Christmas, but that all got cleaned up quickly.
Hey BrikoX (or anyone who might know), how do I participate in It always has the most interesting articles, but I’m unable to contribute in any way (even bumping up or kicking down).
Thanks for keeping such a great source of content going!
You’re about as clever as Lennie Small aren’t ya bud?
You know what, I can respect this comment. It takes a lot of courage and strength for someone to just come here, lay everything all out in the open, and admit they love the taste of corporate dick. Good on you!
If you could articulate your view past a 4th-grade level, I’d listen.
I literally have a 4th-grader and he can write rings around you.
A comma or two would be a good start.
That doesn’t seem very Marxism-Leninist of you, comrade.
Are you alright?
They seem to have a mild mental illness. Forgot the name, think it starts with an R…
Cool story, blyat.