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Welcome to Dry Bones Fortress! Here we have:
- Stupid waste of space and efficiency because of separate buildings doctrine instead of superiority of single mega-building.
- Even more ridiculous concept of rooms of even size with double doors.
- Wood and clay as main building materials.
- Belarusian (or Irish) vibe with potatoes and linen, crossovering with camels and sands.
- Funny eldritch piece of metal that constantly peels tumor meat that becomes just meat after drying and so became our main source of protein.
- Primitive moisture pumps that freed us from scourge of soft and we have no idea how they work ( i hope Village Guy will clarify on that, after all it’s his mod, thanks for it btw)
- Killbox that looks less like box thanks to embrasures and trenches only to be more OP.
- Fields of gardening boxes, well-known method of people in medieval times surviving in regions without arable soil. (Don’t ask how gardening boxes got soil in them in a first place).
- Emerald/silver rec/dining room that we painted in wood to not ruin colony look, but still shines and makes colonists happy.
- Lots of cheese because medieval overhaul mod author didn’t check numbers and made cheese production multiply nutrition by 8.5. Also, how camel cheese tastes?
- Treasury room just to give us bigger raids.
- Innovative way of storing resources outside because otherwise tons of resources that medieval overhaul mod adds confuse me and sorting them out like this helps.
- Regular abortions because, unlike contraception, they exist in medieval times.
- Mines as infinite source of coal that make extreme climate medieval colonies possible. Just like in my previous medieval colony with different medieval mods six years ago.
- Like 2 rains for 15 years.
- Galou Alpaca, who started this colony from naked tribal brutality, and his highmate wife Lisa.
- Half of colony of their descendants.
- Among which their both granddaughter and great granddaughter Neveo because somewhere along the way family tree got intertwined branches.
- Lermacanrei, Galou’s daughter and our shooting specialist who turns her arbalest into fully automatic weapon thanks to: Trigger happy (-50% to aiming time), Shooting specialist bonus (Another -50% to aiming time), Quiver (-75% to weapon cooldown), and with shooting skill 19 and legendary arbalest also lands almost every shot. Also, her name rocks.
- Camisa, another his another daughter who got eyes plucked off for extra psychic sensitivity because sorry, we don’t have much options on raising sensitivity there.
- Vexa, surprisingly someone’s else daughter, our crafting specialist who made legendary arbalest for Lermacanrei
- Vortex, creepy joiner with unnatural healing who we violently convinced to stay because she is our only way to keep full set of limbs on everyone.
- 15 out of 24 colonists total who were born here. Not counting 2 stillborns in sarcophagi.
- Another 5 dead on cemetery because eh, it looks stupid when everyone walks in heavy armor, and there is no middle ground like flak armor in vanilla, so i let them to just catch arrows.
Overall, i recommend for everyone to play medieval colonies from time to time. It’s fun when you have so much to do even without electricity thanks to mods that make life harder!