In other words, what’s an official rule or interaction between different rules in Pathfinder 2e that you think is dumb?

    2 months ago

    Creature types. Not just in reaction to the 2025 Monster Manual. I consider this a GM-facing rule, subject to by interpretation. So when a Paladin uses Divine Sense, or a Ranger uses a similar ability, or a Cleric uses Detect Evil and Good, etc., or a Ranger has a Favored Foe, or a Druid casts Speak with Animals, etc. - it’s up to me whether a creature counts as a Beast, or Evil, or extraplanar, or whatever. I go by the flavor that the design is going for, and I allow creatures two fall into more than one bucket. A dragonborn might count for some things that only apply to dragons; a fairy dragon counts as a fey and a dragon; a beholder zombie might count as undead or aberration or both depending on what the feature is trying to accomplish; a Warforged might be humanoid and construct; etc.