This is a fantastic map and a great base!
Some questions about your colony from reddit:
what are those closed corridors with these blue and red … things in it ?
- according to drafonlfw those are explosives
That’s amazing! I’m curious. Have 1 tile wide corridors caused you any issues?
what are those closed corridors with these blue and red … things in it ?
I always like 1 tile wide corridors when I rely entirely on static defenses like this. Those corridors are hidden passages through the mountain that are only accessible to my colonists. I have them lined with defensive columns just in case.
This is a Caldera landform from Geological Landforms!
More questions
Is this built underneath a mountain or is there a natural valley surrounded by mountain walls? If so is this a formation from the geological landforms mod?
how you gonna post this with no seed.
give the sauce.
I admit that I used Map Designer plus Geological Landforms to create what I wanted. I like to do random formation runs, but this time around I had a plan in mind and needed a specific formation. With Map Designer you can mold GL into basically anything you want. A few river size adjustments, lake placement shifts, and a smoothing of the caldera walls and you have my map.