The latest Trashfuture touched on this through the lens of how most people (I.e. Not leftists, or anyone who pays attention) sees this: they see all of this as the government spending money on the undeserving, that is, anyone who’s not white in the US, and anyone who’s not American for the rest of the world.
They don’t care about the reality of these programs, or their contribution to their comfortable imperial core lives, because all that matters is what feels right, and it feels that telling people to overthrow their government is the weak way of exerting control, when they can just drop in with their military and invade, the macho-way of geopolitics.
They won’t learn from history because there’s no history in their mind, only vibes and chsuvinism.
The latest Trashfuture touched on this through the lens of how most people (I.e. Not leftists, or anyone who pays attention) sees this: they see all of this as the government spending money on the undeserving, that is, anyone who’s not white in the US, and anyone who’s not American for the rest of the world.
They don’t care about the reality of these programs, or their contribution to their comfortable imperial core lives, because all that matters is what feels right, and it feels that telling people to overthrow their government is the weak way of exerting control, when they can just drop in with their military and invade, the macho-way of geopolitics.
They won’t learn from history because there’s no history in their mind, only vibes and chsuvinism.