Anyways, here’s a 14 year old pic of a pig shitting on his own balls because he got injected with growth hormones that caused his balls to swell up to the point where he has to defecate on himself. Vegan btw
Anyways, here’s a 14 year old pic of a pig shitting on his own balls because he got injected with growth hormones that caused his balls to swell up to the point where he has to defecate on himself. Vegan btw
PPB also sucks for exactly what you mentioned but that doesnt make beanis funny.
well yeah. No need to resort to arcane and indirect methods of proof when we have a valid constructive approach.
Theorem: Beanis is Funny.
I promised a direct and constructive proof, so to begin, suppose we have a beanis (call it
QED, beanis is funny.
Some important corollaries:
i) Peanis is funny.
ii) All formally serious beans are drupes.
Demonstrating that the fiber is inseparable from the humor is left as an exercise for readers familiar with the theories of eructatious or flatulent processes.