That’s the post. Will report back if I remember to
Sweet! Here are the wire chewers from hell that lives here, as a treat, and also having some treats.
Take them for a walk in the nearest AWS datacenter
Oh, Lennie, no.
Ok that one got me
Lol. Hope you have fun.
Came here to post this lol
Will report back
Excuse me! ummmm It’s been 4 hours how was it where are the bun pics
Look at this big boi
Yes! What a chonko! Thank you :)
Hell fucking yeah
Every day is a day i pet duh bnnuys
Be careful, I hear they have vicious fangs
Youre not kidding, one time my boy felix who is intersex and has raging hormones, went crazy over a graham cracker and bit right through my finger tip while i was in the middle of a backyard engine swap. I love the little shit and he’s usually gentle with the biteys, its how they grab things like your finger to push you out of the way when they are annoyed by your presence but when it comes to food …… there will be blood
That sounds like a awesome Sunday lazy day activity. Give them all some pets and scritches!
I’m gonna lay down and just let them hop all over me😎
“Play with bunnies” sounds like a euphemism to explain to little kids why their old dog wasn’t around anymore. “Sparky went to live on a farm, they’re playing with bunnies.”
i’m peanut butter and jealous
And I’m not invited?
take bunny pics
o yes that’s a good bunni
I love bnuy
Thst sounds fantastic! Bunnos!
This bun is precious. Fifi would love to hump 🐇
This is felix aka fifi aka feefins
That’s a hairy bunny
This homie just climbed all over me to get some cilantro
Does this bnuy have sore hocks? Where did they get those socks/hock covers? I need some for fifi, he is a rex and his fur is very fine so he has some red spots on his hockies.
I don’t know where they came from but if you want to call them and ask i can give you the name of the place I went to
I found them by looking up bunny hock socks. thanks though. They are a bit pricey so ill have to get some velcro and try and make some
It looks like the result of a genetics experiment to mix rabbits and miniature schnauzers.
Uh, please hide this post from mai waif
I wish I had pics of my friend’s Flemish Giant from 2012. RIP Snoof. He was BIIIIG
Those rabbits seems so chill. Like, they don’t think as much of themselves as prey?
No idea! But yah, he was HELLA chill.