As with all things, there are extremely polarized opinions about American racism against the Chinese and Muslims, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
exactly. so if i’m correct, this is former singaporean foreign minster george yeo presenting us with an example of dialectics, which is the analytical process by which we find the truth that lies somewhere in the middle.
thesis: americans don’t love the chinese
antithesis: americans also don’t love muslims
synthesis: and yet americans truly love chinese muslims a lot
this is an interesting example because a lot of people intuitively think the resulting synthesis would be “americans must actually hate chinese muslims a lot” and yet we can observe how in reality that’s not the case, and rather chinese muslims become transformed into the only chinese and the only muslims that americans love. this is also an example of intersectionalism.
I think I’m missing something. The reason Americans “love” uyghurs is because of how their relationship with the PRC can be used as a political tool by the US state. Their identity is incidental.
Adding two negatives will do that. Multiplying them gives a positive product. I’m sure some math nerd can explain why this is, but I just remember it from school
exactly. so if i’m correct, this is former singaporean foreign minster george yeo presenting us with an example of dialectics, which is the analytical process by which we find the truth that lies somewhere in the middle.
thesis: americans don’t love the chinese
antithesis: americans also don’t love muslims
synthesis: and yet americans truly love chinese muslims a lot
this is an interesting example because a lot of people intuitively think the resulting synthesis would be “americans must actually hate chinese muslims a lot” and yet we can observe how in reality that’s not the case, and rather chinese muslims become transformed into the only chinese and the only muslims that americans love. this is also an example of intersectionalism.
I think I’m missing something. The reason Americans “love” uyghurs is because of how their relationship with the PRC can be used as a political tool by the US state. Their identity is incidental.
Edit: I have fallen victim to a bit
Statement A: Americans hate Chinese (Negative statement)
Statement B: Americans hate Muslims (Negative statement)
So we have -A x -B = +AB. The product of two negatives is a positive. It’s just how math works.
But wouldn’t multiplying two negative numbers make a more negative number? That doesn’t make no sense.
Adding two negatives will do that. Multiplying them gives a positive product. I’m sure some math nerd can explain why this is, but I just remember it from school
I appreciate your lovely explanation but I was doing a bit 😭
GOOD post